Seller Snap Review: Is it the Best Amazon Repricer Software?

This Seller Snap review may just change your entire Amazon career, and I’m not kidding. If you sell anything on Amazon or are planning to do so, this piece is for you.

The Amazon game massively depends on your “selling price”. This influences not just human decisions, but also the Buy Box. As is common knowledge, 80% of Amazon sales originate from the Buy Box.

In other words, you win the Buy Box, you make money. Seller Snap lets you do just that.

Sure, every other competitor will have a repricer as well. However, Seller Snap pretty much claims to be the Ferrari of repricers. Is that true? We’ll see.

(It has a free 15-day free trial so you can read this Seller Snap review without worrying about your pockets!).

Seller Snap Review: What is Seller Snap?

I’ll put it as simply as possible. Seller Snap is your personal, A.I-powered assistant which will help you win the Buy Box and “sell for more profits” on Amazon.

It’s basically a repricer. It changes the pricing for your listings automatically, in bulk, within seconds, based on your goals and settings.

There are dozens of repricers out there, however, Seller Snap takes things to the next level with its A.I based advanced algorithms and customizations.

The primary features that Seller Snap boasts of include:

  • Adaptive, self-learning A.I-powered repricing
  • Optional manual/rule-based repricing possible
  • Extremely detailed analytics and reports
  • 15-day free trial.
  • Amazing support!

Let’s take a closer look and see if Seller Snap is or isn’t worth your time (and money)?

A.I-powered repricing

Did you read my list on the top Amazon repricer tools? As I’ve mentioned there, most Amazon repricers use pre-determined, comparatively static algorithms to reprice your listings.

On the other hand, Seller Snap’s A.I is capable of thinking like a human! It can detect and track competitor behaviour. So, your prices are adjusted based on what your competitor is doing. It’s like using your competitor’s move against them! It’s capable of predicting future actions from your competitor and outsmarts them to an extent.

What this does for you:-> It makes better decisions, almost better than a  human seller and definitely better than static, rule-based repricers out there.

Uses Game Theory for almost a 50:50 win probability

Seller Snap markets itself heavily on “Game Theory”. In other words, you either win or share the buy box WITHOUT compromising your profits.

Now, with most other solutions that I’ve seen, things are pretty flat. They check a competitor’s price and lower your price by a tiny margin. Your competitor probably is using a similar tool and their repricer does the exact same thing.

This leads a price war and both parties soon drive their profits to 0 or a very disappointing number.

Seller Snap’s A.I is smarter. For starters, it finds the highest price that your competitor is willing to go to and increases your price accordingly. This strategy may not win you the Buy Box, but you get to share it (ensuring the highest possible profit).

There’s another strategy Seller Snap uses. I call it the “bury in the ground” mode. (This isn’t official, it’s just what I like to call it, you’ll soon see why).

So, what do most other repricers do? They check your competitor’s lowest possible price, and set your price slightly lower than that. It’s supposed to win you the BuyBox, right? Now, it’s a pain if you’ve got a competitor using that strategy, isn’t it? They’ll always have a lower price than you and kick you off the Buy Box.

Not exactly! Seller Snap’s A.I is capable of detecting such behaviours from your competition. Once that’s detected, Seller Snap copies that exact rule (reduction of the price by a margin) for your listing.

This triggers the competition’s repricer to lower the price further. This goes on till the price is reset (and hence, “buried in the ground”). This leads to an exact 50% chance of you winning or losing the BuyBox. After this, your price is increased to the maximum.

You may lose the BuyBox 50% of the time, however, that’s still an impressive odd and almost like a guarantee for the other 50%, isn’t it?

What this does for you-> Helps you win, or at least share the Buy Box at the highest possible profit margin!

Optional rule-based repricing

There may be moments or business goals where the automated, A.I-backed “Game Theory” repricing isn’t the best for you.

Seller Snap does have the ability to let you manually customize rule-based repricing strategies.

Some of my favourite settings for these include:

  • Date/time-based changes: The repricing strategy changes depending on what time/day it is. (g. strategies for New Year or Black Friday should totally be different from other days, don’t you agree?)
  • Win BuyBox share: I call this the “Wolf approach”. When enabled, Seller Snap gets a lot more aggressive. It may not always get me the maximum profits but does make a lot of sales! In my personal opinion this is best for “End of season” or “clearance sales”.
  • Related ASIN following: This lets me set an ASIN, my prices then follow changes made to that specific ASIN.
  • Sale-based repricing: Seller Snap officially calls this “velocity-driven repricing”. In simpler words, you set a “number of sales” target. Seller Snap changes the price continuously, depending on current sales, popularity and other aspects till you hit your sale target. The continuous change ensures you don’t lose out on potential profits by selling products cheaper than you should.
  • SFP repricing: The primary goal with Seller Snap is to book you “maximum” possible profits. To do that, its SFP repricing setting makes sure you’re selling at the highest possible price against other SFP sellers.

Real-time, Advanced & Detailed Analytics

I truly believe that-

“You can’t improve what you can’t monitor” – No idea who said that.

Seller Snap seems to agree. I love the analytics and (non-boring) reports it throws at me.

  • Revenue drop: It’s just a list of products that made less money for you this week than they did in the previous week, simple, yet actionable.
  • Detailed overview: It offers a very simple and detailed overview that includes metrics such as total revenue, profits, velocity, ordered items etc.

SellerSnap A.I amazon repricer

  • Stock monitor: Seller Snap is capable of telling me when I need to order new products so I don’t run out of products, ever!

Seller Snap 2021 review

  • Storage fee: This is actually one of the most ignored aspect when it comes to FBA orders. Those “a few cents” add up to hundreds of dollars in storage fees when not monitored or calculated right. Seller Snap offers a very detailed breakdown of which product is costing you how much!

Seller Snap features

  • Return & reimbursement data: The tool is also capable of showing you your return rate, no. of returned items, cost on returns, profit after returns and a lot more.

Seller Snap 2021 review

  • Automated reports: It lets me choose which metrics I want, and when I want them. These reports are then auto-generated and sent to me at the pre-specified time.

There’s a lot more. However, for now, I’m confident this shows what Seller Snap is capable of, doesn’t it?

Guaranteed 1 sale/day

This isn’t a “feature”. It’s just one of the many superpowers Seller Snap is capable of (when used right).

SellerSnap A.I amazon repricer

In the above screenshot, the rules are set such that if you don’t make any sale for 24 hours, Seller Snap will activate the “recurring price change” preset for you.

This preset will then reduce the price by 10 cents every 120 minutes till you make a sale!

Now, this is just one example of what’s possible. You can combine and change these rules to create a million different scenarios that suite your business and goals.

Is there a free trial?

Let’s get practical here. Seller Snap may not be for everyone. It may not be easy for everyone. It may be too easy for some. Point is, committing to it without knowing it’s for you isn’t what I’d recommend.

So, yes, Seller Snap does offer a completely 15-day free trial! Go signup right away,  you’ve literally got nothing to lose (and possibly a lot to gain).

Seller Snap free trial signup

In fact, before you get the trial, they even provide a 100% free, one on one session on how to use the tool! For free! That says a lot about the company and their ideology, doesn’t it?

Seller Snap pricing plans

Seller Snap has a pretty unique pricing plan.

For starters, there’s this “Accelerator Program”. It costs just $250.00/month. However, you can’t just purchase this. You must apply and be manually accepted into the program. That’s only possible if you qualify to the following norms:

  • Less than 1K listings
  • Making less than $25K/month

There are two other plans you can simply pay for directly:

Seller Snap pricing plans

  • Standard: $500.00/month
  • Premium: $800.00/month

There’s also an “Ultimate” plan. It’s for the biggest sellers on Amazon and the price would depend on your requirements and business size.

Seller Snap review- Is it the best Amazon repricer?

Now, the features discussed so far are still just a fraction of everything that Seller Snap is capable of. Obviously, this brief Seller Snap review isn’t enough to cover every single feature that the tool offers.

In my personal opinion, I’ve never seen a repricer as adaptive, advanced or customizable as Seller Snap. But hey, don’t take my word for it, give it a try! Its 15-day free trial makes sure you don’t lose a single penny if you don’t like it!

Seller Snap free trial signup