Media Kit: Advertise With Updateland and Get Exposure

First, I would like to say thank you for visiting UpdateLand Media Kit page, On this page I have described all the information that you need to know to advertise your product on UpdateLand. If this is your first visit, let me introduce Updateland and myself in short.

I am Jyoti Chauhan behind Updateland. Updateland is a fast-growing authority blog with increasing readership and subscribers day by day. This blog offers high-quality content, and authority posts in the following categories:

  • Blogging
  • SEO
  • Social Media
  • Web Hosting
  • Technology
  • Crypto
  • Business
  • Career
  • Internet
  • Review

Updateland has a targeted audience who has an interest in the above categories.

UpdateLand Stats

  • Domain Age: 12 Years
  • Domain Rating: 55
  • Domain Authority: 40
  • Authority Score: 45
  • In the last six months, UpdateLand received 1M users, 2.2M views, and 1.7M sessions.

Advertising Options:

  • Banners: We are offering the following sizes of banners 125×125, 300×250, 468×60, and 728×90. All banners will be non-rotated so you will get the best exposure for your brands with 100% impressions of your ads. 
  • Reviews: If your product/services suit the niche/industry on this blog, I will write an honest (without manipulation of the truth) and detailed review on this blog. By featuring your product/services on my blog, you’ll be exposed to our traffic and we will also promote your articles on our social media handles. The review will remain on the homepage on top for 1 day, and on the homepage for 7 or 10 days.

Contact Now To Get the Best Deal To Get Exposure For Your Brand

If you’re interested in securing a sponsorship ad at Updateland or want to feature your service on my blog, send an email to